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What are the right KPIs for your Business?

| Evbex Originals

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are often thought of as mere metrics that demonstrate an organisational progress towards its goals. When considered strategically, KPIs can become tools of not just performance measurement, but also performance management. The performance indicators can translate into a story about your organization, shedding light on every tangible facet and letting you know the areas of improvement by generating actionable insights. However, as varied as the insights would be for each organization, so should be the KPIs. What might work as a ..


An Introduction to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

| Evbex Originals

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Facility management deals with the management of built assets and incorporates controlling services necessary for the successful business operation of an organization. It should aim not only at simply reducing the operating expenses of an organization but also at enhancing the efficiency of the facility and its users as well. The physical environment has a major influence on the successful operation and efficiency of an organization; modifying this could lead to an organization’s desired efficiency being achieved. To gauge the effectiveness of facility management, therefore, ..


Future-proofing Birmingham City Council’s energy management

| Evbex Originals

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Birmingham City Council grappled with many challenges in managing its energy portfolio before reaching out to WME. The Council struggled with slow response times from suppliers, which often led to frustrating delays in addressing critical issues. Frequent rebilling problems plagued the system, causing administrative headaches and potential financial discrepancies. Maybe most significantly, the Council struggled with delayed pricing information, which severely hindered its ability to create accurate budgets in a timely manner.This lack of timely data made it difficult to forecast energy costs effectively, leaving ..


White Papers

Pitney Bowes – Creating a positive visitor experience in a Hybrid world of work

FM & sustainability: the social, environmental and commercial challenge